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Its wide variety of tools and commands provide easy yet powerful ways to create and modify images. Page Produce Outstanding Results Or you can use the Impressionist tool to quickly give photos the look of an artistic painting. Page 23 User Guide Convenient, cost-effective, reliable printing Photoshop Elements makes it easy to get the most outstanding printed results while also saving time and money.

The Picture Package feature automatically generates multiple copies of a photo in different sizes on a single page, similar to the photo packages traditionally sold by portrait studios. This enables you to maximize the use of expensive photo-quality paper, and gives you a simple way to create and print a contact sheet of your images for easy reference. Page Looking At The Work Area Using the tools area Some tools in the toolbox let you select, edit, and The Photoshop Elements work area is arranged to view images; other tools let you paint, draw, and help you focus on creating and editing images.

You can view information about any tool in the toolbox by positioning the pointer over it. By default, Click its icon in the toolbox. Page 31 Using palette menus Palette menus are an important part of working with Photoshop Elements. Some commands in Palettes are grouped. To automatically resize the window when magnifying or reducing the view: With the Zoom tool active, select Resize Windows To Fit in the options bar.

Page 35 To specify a different color, click the color box, Note: To reset the ruler origin to its default value, and choose a color.

Some features—such as the Hints For Color, choose a preset color, or select palette and the Recipes palette—provide infor Page 37 Follow the instructions in the recipe. You can commands. Using the Hints palette The Hints palette helps you learn how to use tools Using the Info palette and palettes.

Do one of the following: The angle A of a line or gradient; Correcting mistakes Most operations can be undone if you make a Context menu for a document window mistake.

Think of presets as ingredients for creating an image. You select presets through pop-up palettes in the options bar. Setting preferences In Mac OS, do one of the following Photoshop Elements may not be able to list all the The path to the folder will appear in the prefer- plug-ins in their appropriate menus.

Newly installed ences window. Page 49 Select the desired disks from the menu you can partition of a drive with free memory. By default, assign up to four scratch disks. Photoshop Elements uses the hard drive that the Click OK. You can move, resize, or displays pixels horizontally and vertically. Higher resolution images usually per unit of printed length in an image, usually reproduce more detail and subtler color transi- measured in pixels per inch ppi. In Photoshop tions than lower resolution images.

To enter values as percentages of the automatically to preserve the total pixel count. Note: You can also perform this test using an Optimizing the dynamic range of the scan percent neutral gray card or an step gray wedge from a photography store.

Set the Anti-alias option in the options bar as desired. To blend edge pixels during rasterization, select the Anti-alias option.

Page Calibrating Your Monitor The parameters work just as they do on a television set. Page 77 When converting to indexed color, values of all three components are equal, the result Photoshop Elements builds a color lookup table is a shade of neutral gray.

When the value of all CLUT , which stores and indexes the colors in the components is , the result is pure white; This Converting to indexed color reduces the option is useful for viewing images on a black- number of colors in the image to at most — Page 80 Previous colors from the RGB color cube.

For example, if previous conversion, making it easy to convert Photoshop Elements takes 6 evenly spaced color several images with the same custom palette.

Choose a dither option from the menu, and enter a value for the dither amount. Page 83 You can also specify the area sampled by the eyedropper tool. For example, you can set the The Info palette and the Adobe Color Picker let eyedropper to sample the color values of a you display color values using a number of color 3-bypixel area under the pointer. Page 84 Color Picker to select the color you want to add. Position the pointer over an empty space in the Using the Adobe Color Picker Changing views of the palette You can use the Adobe Color Picker to select the You can change the view of the palette to display foreground or background color by choosing from swatches in different ways.

Page 86 Any color you pick with Specifying a color using numeric values this option selected is Web-safe. If you choose An image have corrected the overall color balance of your with full tonal range has a high number of pixels in image, you can make optional adjustments to all areas. By default, Shows the total number of pixels corre You can use the image are mapped to ; pixels with lower middle Input slider to change the intensity values intensity values are mapped to corresponding of the middle range of gray tones without dramat- lighter values.

Drag the slider to the right to darken the midtones; drag it to the left to Select the eyedropper tool, and choose 3 by 3 lighten the midtones. If color components, it helps to keep a diagram of a color channel is selected in the Levels dialog box, the color wheel on hand. You can use the color Moving the slider one The Variations command lets you adjust the color tick mark doubles the adjustment amount.

Page When you apply this command, areas of an image. Page About Selections Chapter 5: Selecting o modify part of an image in Adobe isolating color areas with the magic wand tool.

Hold down Shift as you drag to constrain Select a marquee tool: the marquee to a square or circle. A higher value detects only edges segment, double-click, press Enter or Return, or that contrast sharply with their surroundings; You can move a selection border around an image, hide a selection border, and invert a selection so Since only the Enter a value for the Feather Radius, and edge pixels change, no detail is lost.

If you have You can move or copy selections and layers within selected multiple areas, all move as you drag. Photoshop Elements applications prompts you when vector artwork will be The drag-and-drop feature lets you copy and rasterized. To cut is pasted. Page Transforming And Retouching Chapter 6: Transforming and Retouching ou can transform and retouch images in If necessary, select the Shield cropped area many ways.

For example, you can manip- option to show the cropping shield. You can crop seamless, panoramic image from multiple an image by decreasing the canvas area. If larger than 2 megapixels. Click Add in the Photomerge dialog box. Page Because of differences in the work area: perspective, the pieces may not line up exactly. For a wider Select the Use Perspective option.

You may want to create Note: If a type or shape layer is selected, you must You work with a preview image of the current simplify the layer before proceeding. A bounding box appears in transform. Page CHAPTER 6 Transforming and Retouching To scale a layer, selection, or shape: Skewing, distorting, and applying perspective to layers, selections, and Select the layer, area, or shape you want to shapes transform.

This option is useful when you Select the sponge tool. Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in the options bar. The paint builds up Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in along the edges of the brush stroke.

You can choose to erase contiguous pixels a layer to transparency as you drag; A low tolerance limits erasure to areas that are very tool similar to the sampled color. A high tolerance The impressionist brush tool lets you paint with erases a broader range of colors.

Page Customizing Brush Libraries In Photoshop Elements, you can save libraries, For Spacing, enter a value or drag the slider to load, replace, save, rename brushes in libraries, Set the brush options as described palette menu. Page Preset Manager.

Type a value that is a percentage of the brush diameter. This mode works only in layers with editing tools Lock Transparency deselected and is analogous to You set options for a painting or editing tool in the painting on the back of transparent areas in a sheet options bar for that tool. The effect is similar channel and selects the base or blend color— to shining a diffused spotlight on the image.

Page Photoshop Elements. Page Choose a color, and click OK. Specify a blending mode and opacity for the paint. Page Click a style to apply it to the shape layer.

Transforming shapes You can also paint a border around a selection or a You can alter a shape by applying transformations layer. Page Creating And Editing Patterns This In addition to using the libraries of patterns allows you to create a softer border than one provided with Photoshop Elements, you can created using the Stroke layer style.

The Stroke create your own custom patterns. Page Feather must be set to 0 px. Enter a name for the pattern in the Pattern Deselect the rectangle. Page Using Layers About layers When you create, import, or scan an image in Photoshop Elements, the image consists of a single layer. However, if you plan to add different elements to your image, layers will make your task a lot easier.

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User manual Adobe Premiere Elements 14 (Download) |


People complained for a long time about how different the Mac and Windows versions of Elements were. In Elements 9, things are much more alike between the two platforms, but there are still a few differences. One of the biggest differences is what you see when you launch Elements. The only time you see the Welcome screen on a Mac without deliberately seeking it out is if you launch Elements for the very first time by clicking the Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 button in the last screen of the installer Beyond This Book tells you how to install Elements.

This book covers Photoshop Elements 9. You can also check the Windows Start menu, where Elements is listed along with its version number. On a Mac, check in your Applications folder to see the version number. You can still use this book if you have an earlier version of Elements because a lot of the basic editing procedures are the same.

There are Missing Manuals for Elements 3 through 8, too, and you may prefer to track down the right book for your version of Elements. For Elements 6 and 8 there are separate editions for the Mac and Windows versions. This is where you register Elements and sign up for your free Photoshop. Organize button. This starts the Organizer, which lets you store and organize your image files. Edit button. Click this for the Editor, which lets you modify your images. But in some ways, they function as two separate programs.

Figure What you see in the right part of the window changes occasionally, so it may not be exactly the same as this illustration. The bottom of the screen always has links for signing into your Photoshop.

If you do that, the screen goes away—but so does Elements. The button looks like a white square with smaller squares on it. Whichever method you use, your photo s appear in the Editor so you can work on them.

You can also just click the Editor or the Organizer icon in the Windows taskbar or the Mac Dock to switch from one to the other. Adobe built Elements around the assumption that most people work on their photos in the following way: First, you bring photos into the Organizer to sort and keep track of them.

The Welcome screen can also serve as your connecting point for signing onto Photoshop. After you create your Photoshop. To directly launch the Editor or the Organizer, you just need to create a desktop shortcut. Right-click it, and then choose Create Shortcut.

Windows adds a direct shortcut to the component of your choice, right on the desktop. In the future, double-click this shortcut to launch your preferred part of Elements. You can make shortcuts for both the Editor and the Organizer, if you like. In Windows 7, you can keep either part of the program in the Taskbar at the bottom of your screen.

If you really want to see what all this Welcome screen business is about, Figure explains how. The Welcome screen itself is exactly the same on both Windows computers and Macs. Double-click the one with the curved black arrow on it circled here to bring up the Welcome Screen. The Organizer catalogs and keeps track of your photos, and you automatically come back to it for many activities that involve sharing your photos, like emailing them Emailing Photos or creating an online gallery of them Online Albums.

In some previous versions of Elements it was called the Photo Browser , so you may hear that term, too. In Windows, the Downloader appears as one of your options in the regular Windows dialog box that you see when you connect a device. If you want to use the Downloader, then just choose it from the list. Its job is to pull photos from your camera or other storage device into the Organizer.

After the Downloader does its thing, you end up in the Organizer. You can read more about the Downloader in Chapter 2. If you plan to use the Organizer to catalog photos and assign keywords to them, then reading the section on the Downloader The Photo Downloader can help you avoid hair-pulling moments. Adobe also gives you easy access to its Photoshop. With a Photoshop. Create your own website.

You can make beautiful online albums that display your photos in elaborate slideshows—all accessible via your own personal Photoshop. They can even download your photos or order prints, if you choose to let them see Online Albums. Windows automatically creates a shortcut to Elements on your desktop when you install the program. If you need help installing Elements, turn to Appendix A. You can also go to the Start menu, and then click the Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. The Media Browser is your main Organizer workspace.

Click the Create tab in the upper right and you can choose to start all kinds of new projects with your photos, or click the Share tab for ways to let other people view your images.

Click the arrow to the right of the Fix tab circled for a menu that gives you a choice of going to Quick Fix, Guided Edit, or Full Edit. The Fix tab gives you access to some quick fixes right in the Organizer, too.

The Organizer also gives you another way to look at your photos, Date view, which is explained in Chapter 2. Automatically back up and sync your photos.

Worrywarts and travelers, prepare to be amazed: You can set Elements to sync the photos from your computer to storage space on Photoshop.

See Online Syncing and Backups for more about how to use this nifty feature. Access your photos from other computers. Download lots of extra goodies. The Content panel Working with the Content and Favorites Panels displays thumbnails for additional backgrounds, frames, graphics, and so on, that you can download right from Photoshop. Get lots of great free advice.

Call up the Photoshop Inspiration Browser The Inspiration Browser , and you can choose from a whole range of helpful tutorials for all sorts of Elements tasks and projects.

These Photoshop. See Sharing a New Album for more about the regional differences. You automatically get your Photoshop. In the window that opens, fill in your information to create your Adobe ID. When you click Create Account, you get a message if the web address you chose is already in use. Finally, for security purposes, you need to enter the text you see in a box on the sign-up screen.

Click the Create Account button. Adobe tells you if it finds any errors in what you submitted and gives you a chance to go back and fix them. You need to click the link within 24 hours of creating your account, or you may have to start the whole process again. Once you have an account, you can get to it by clicking Sign In at the top of the Editor or Organizer. You can also look at the bottom of the Welcome screen to see how much free space you have left, as shown in Figure Once you sign into your Photoshop.

You also see a link to your personalized web address a helpful reminder. A free Photoshop. You can also upgrade to a paid account called Plus , which gives you more of everything: more template designs for Online Albums, more downloads from the Content panel, more tutorials, and more storage space 20— GB depending on what level membership you choose.

Once you sign into your account, Elements logs you in automatically every time you launch the program. The Editor Figure is the other main component of Elements.

This is the fun part of the program, where you get to edit, adjust, transform, and generally glamorize your photos, and where you can create original artwork from scratch with the drawing tools and shapes. The main Elements editing window, which Adobe calls Full Edit.

In some previous versions of Elements it was known as the Standard Editor, so keep that in mind if you ever try any tutorials written for Elements 3 or 4. You can operate the Editor in any of three different modes:.

Full Edit. Most of the Quick Fix commands are also available via menus in the Full Edit window. Quick Fix. For many Elements beginners, Quick Fix Figure ends up being their main workspace.

Chapter 4 gives you all the details on using Quick Fix. Guided Edit. It provides step-by-step walkthroughs of popular projects such as cropping your photos and removing blemishes from them. In Elements 9, it also hosts some fun special effects and workflows for more advanced users, too see Special Effects in Guided Edit.

To get rid of the lock and free up your image for Organizer projects, go back to the Editor and close the photo there. The Quick Fix window. Use the tabs at the top right of the screen to navigate from Full Edit to the Quick Fix window and to Guided Edit, if you like and back again.

When you first open the Editor, you may be dismayed at how cluttered it looks. You can leave everything the way it is if you like a cozy area with everything at hand. Or, if you want a Zen-like empty workspace with nothing visible but your photo, you can move, hide, and turn off almost everything.

Figure shows two different views of the same workspace. To do that, just press the Tab key; to bring everything back into view, press Tab again. Two different ways of working with the same images, panels, and tools. You can use any arrangement that suits you.

Top: The panels in the standard Elements arrangement, with the images in the regular tabbed view page Bottom: This image shows how you can customize your panels.

Here, the Project bin has been combined with other floating panels and the whole group is collapsed to icons. The images here are in floating windows page If you have a small monitor, you may find it wastes too much desktop acreage, and in Elements you need all the working room you can get. The downside of this technique is that you lose the ability to switch from Full to Quick to Guided Edit if you do this.

You have to go back to the menu and turn the Panel bin on again to get those navigation buttons back. You can also combine panels with each other, as shown in Figure ; this works with both panels in the bin and freestanding panels. When you launch Elements for the first time, the Panel bin contains three panels: Layers, Content, and Effects. Top: A full-sized panel.

Bottom left: A panel collapsed by double-clicking where the cursor is. Bottom right: The same panel collapsed to an icon by double-clicking the very top of it where the cursor is here once. Double-click the top bar again to expand it. In addition to combining panels as shown in Figure , you can also collapse any group of panels into icons see Figure Then, to use a panel, click its icon and it jumps out to the side of the group, full size.

To shrink it back to an icon, click its icon again. You can combine panels in the bin by dragging their icons onto each other. Then those panels open as a combined group, like the panels in Figure Clicking one of the icons in the group collapses the opened, grouped panel back to icons.

You can also separate combined panels in icon view by dragging the icons away from each other. Final Cut Pro XとはApple社が開発した有料のハイエンド動画編集ソフトです。値段は36,円。一応プロ向け、ということになっていますが、どちらかというと家庭用動画編集ソフトiMovieの高機能バージョンと思った方がよいです。. 動画編集機能は、動画、写真の取り込み、基本的なカット編集、BGM音楽の挿入、テキストテロップ(タイトル)の挿入、トランジション効果など基本的なものはすべてそろっています。かつてはパソコンを使った動画編集ソフトとして革命的な存在でしたが、バージョンXになってからプロ用としては使いづらいものになりました。シェアの多くは Adobe Premiere Pro のMac版に移ったようです。.

しかし、ライバルソフトのAdobe Premiere Proは、完全にプロ向けで一般向けではありません。ソフトの性能と値段をPremiere Proと比較すると、MacユーザーかつハイアマチュアやYouTuberには、Final Cut Proの方がおすすめだと思います。. Movavi Video Editorは、動画編集の入門者向けの安価な有料ソフトウェアです。基本的なカット編集、BGMの挿入、豊富なフィルタや、シンプルな構成で初心者向きにやさしい設計になっているのが特徴です。. 他の有料動画編集ソフトが、多機能、高機能すぎて操作が難しい中、GOM Mix Proは初心者に優しい設計のソフトです。専門用語もほぼなく、各種機能も必要最低限に絞られているのでとても分かりやすいのが特徴です。. Icecream Appsが無料で公開しているシンプルな入門向けWindows向け動画編集ソフトです。作りはMicrosoftフォトに似ています。内容はすべて英語ですが特に難しい内容もなく、直感的に動画編集ができるのが特徴です。.

高度な機能たくさんがあるので、操作が難しく、初めての方にはあまりおすすめできません。また音量調整機能も未熟で使いづらいです。 Lightworks よりは優しい設計。. EaseUS Video EditorはWindows用の入門者向けの家庭用動画編集ソフトです。基本的なカット編集、縦動画、複数トラック、BGM音楽、テキストテロップ、エフェクト、トランジション、書き出しなど動画編集に必要な最低限の機能と、マイクを使ったアフレコ録音、クロマキー合成、モザイクなどのリッチな機能もあります。. 以前から入門者向けの GOM Mix Pro という動画編集ソフトがあったのですが、GOM Mix Maxはその上位版です。GOM Mix Proが1画面に複数の動画を合成する複数トラック未対応だったのに対し、GOM Mix Maxは複数トラックに対応しています。 しかしそれ以外の機能は大きな違いはありません。メーカーの方との話しましたが、これから少しずつ機能を改善していくようです。今後のアップデートに期待しています。.

みんなのフォトムービー(NeroVideo)はドイツのソフトウェアメーカー Nero AG が開発販売している動画編集ソフトです。日本のAmanzonでは 株式会社ジャングル が販売しています。Nero日本公式サイトでは『NeroVideo』という名前で発売しており、Amazonではなぜか『みんなのフォトムービー』になっています。. Keynoteを使った動画作りはとても簡単です。その反面、あまり細かく自由に編集することはできません。同じ動画化できる PowerPoint であれば、より細かく編集することができますし、ウェブカメラを使った自撮り撮影を組み込むこともできます。. VSDC Free Video Editorは、Flash-Integro LLCが開発したWindows用の動画編集ソフトです。プロ版もありますが、無料版でも基本的なカット編集、BGM音楽、テキストテロップ、トランジション、書き出しなどが行えます。長さ制限やロゴの透かし表示などもありません。.

どうしても使いたい場合は公式ページに 使い方ヘルプ があるので、それを参考にしてみてください。. Free Video Editorは、Windows用のカット専門の古い動画編集ソフトです。かつてはフリーソフトでしたが、現在は年19$か買い切りで29$の有料ソフトです。無料版では出力した動画にウォーターマークが入るの注意してください。 基本的には入力した動画の必要な部分を複数指定してカットするのに特化したソフトです。年主流の動画編集ソフトとは別物です。. Adobe Premiere Proの使い方 2 編集の準備・基本的なカット編集書き出し方法 動画編集ソフト. 動画編集アプリSplice使い方iPhone iOS対応. FlexClipの使い方 1 機能の紹介 動画編集サービス. 株式会社ドウガテック 代表取締役。映像制作15年の動画の作り方講師。国内最大級の動画の作り方入門サイト『カンタン動画入門』を年から運営。毎月35万人以上が訪問するまでに成長。 『カンタン動画入門教室』 を主催。地方自治体や企業、大学、高校、一般向けに動画の作り方教室を行い、生徒数は名以上。日本文理大学情報メディア学科動画講座非常勤講師、立命館アジア太平洋大学動画制作ワークショップ講師。 著書 ・暮らしvlogのはじめ方(朝日新聞出版) ・iMovieのマニュアル本(工学社 I・O BOOKS ・月刊BANコラム 。 より詳しいプロフィールはこちら.

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