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This build has been superseded by the release of 1. We are pleased to announce a major update for the Windows release of Affinity Designer, version 1. The changes in Affinity Designer for Windows 1. This thread is for commenting on this announcement. Please do not post bugs or problems that you find when using this version of the software in this thread, instead make a new thread in the Designer Bugs on Windows section and questions about usage go in the Desktop Questions forum.

For purchases from the Affinity Store the software: Each time you start the software it will check for updates and offer any available update, or it can be downloaded from here. The new build will install over the top of any earlier version, with no need to uninstall. Alternatively you can log into the affinity store here and find the order in your account and use the download button in there. For purchases from the Microsoft Store: These are done automatically by the operating system next time you start the application.

Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self. Thanks a lot, guys. The improvements, additions and the improvement of the performance are enormous and have improved the software many times over. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work. Thumbs up. I came here just to thank you for that feature alone. Small things like this were the only reason I kept Illustrator on my drive.

Thank you for being finally able to deinstall Illustrator Welcome to the Serif Affinity forums and t hanks for the thanks.

System Notebook Lenovo P Welcome to the Serif Affinity forums. The store will update but we cannot control when. If you run the application it should check for updates first, but there may be some delay of a few hours for it to roll out everywhere.

Please check back tomorrow, and post in the questions forum if you need more assistance. Opened up Designer to get some serious work done this morning, and thanks to you lot at Serif, I’ve now spent the last few hours playing with the new features. So thanks for that! But sadly still without finding and replacing text tool.

But nevermind.. I really like that “rasterize and trim” option takes the bleed into account. This is just perfect for me. Also finally rasterizing an image without cropping it to the page. Life saver update!! Oh and another one: Being able to resize a rectangle from the sides without having to zoom in and out. Giant thank you! I signed in tonight to export a file in pieces because it hasn’t been exported as a whole correctly in previous versions–saw the update was available, re-launched and exported as a single file in perfect form.

This update saved me over an hour of work, thank you so much! It took around a minute for affinity designer to open with me fonts and now it opens instantly! I have an ssd. Nice addition! Thanks for that! Not used it all yet but I see we can now save custom page presets – That is new right I am sure we could not do that before or did I just miss it all the other times But regardless is very useful so thank you.

Fantastic update. Especially love the new grid options, and the guide manager columns are a very useful tool for me personally. I saw this feature in the Publisher Beta and was wondering how long it would take y’all to put it in Designer Please note there is currently a delay in replying to some post. See pinned thread in the Questions forum. These are the Terms of Use you will be asked to agree to if you join the forum. Privacy Policy Guidelines We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better.

You can adjust your cookie settings , otherwise we’ll assume you’re okay to continue. Share More sharing options Followers 4. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. Recommended Posts. Patrick Connor Posted June 5, Posted June 5, New Point Transform Tool allows you to scale and rotate objects from any node. The Node Tool now contains a ‘Transform Node’ option which provides a containing box for the selected nodes and allows for more freeform editing of the nodes.

Pen tool now has a ‘rubber band’ mode and also a mode to allow future curves to be added to the current object’s curves for example, the character ‘a’ is constructed of two curves in a single ‘curve object’ and this mode makes that construction simpler. Node tool can now auto-snap nodes if you drag a node from one curve over the top of a node from another selected curve and pause, it will offer to snap to the same geometry as the node you’re hovering over ie, modify the on and off-curve nodes to match.

This is really useful for trying to reconstruct areas of one curve from another curve. Pencil tool now offers a ‘sculpt’ mode that allows for extending or manipulating curves in a more natural way.

More to come in this area soon. Many tools now allow for ‘Alignment widgets’ which you can toggle the visibility of in the context toolbar.

Fill tool correctly allows editing of skewed fill handles and newly-created skewed fills draw much nicer now. Ruler origin can be edited by simply dragging the area where the rulers intersect each other – it can even be snapped onto objects in the document.

Guides can be edited in most tools by simply dragging a guide in the ruler area. Grid setup is now more interactive: origin can be dragged, axis scale adjusted and angle adjusted on-document, complete with snapping to objects and angles in the document to help you reconstruct useful grids from finished artworks or sketches. By enabling ‘Edit in Plane’ on the new Isometric Panel, tools can edit objects and appear to make those edits along the currently active plane – extremely useful for artists who enjoy working with any axonometric projections.

You can now drag the rotation centre point when enabled on the context toolbar while holding Ctrl and it will translate the object – this is actually very useful for positioning and snapping objects relative to others.

Shapes tools now have presets so you can create your own favourite shape setups and more easily use them again. There are just far too many subtle tool changes to mention here, but hopefully you’ll find the tools much improved General Arrowheads are now available in the Stroke Panel. New Appearance Panel allows for multiple strokes and fills on a single shape. Visible bleed accessed from the View menu so you can more easily design into the bleed area – a common feature request.

Traditionally, if you roll back the undo history then do something else all your changes after that point are lost. Designer will now display a small branch icon in the history tab when you do this. New ‘Isometric Panel’ makes it easy to setup and work with various axonometric projections within the application.

HEIF images can now be loaded directly into Designer. If they contain a depth map, this will also be loaded as a second layer. Designer now supports custom document presets – a popular feature request. A new blend mode – Linear Burn – has been added.

Layers Panel now allows you to tag individual layers with a colour and display thumbnails with transparent backgrounds and at different sizes. Grids now have an editable number of angle subdivisions. The Hard Mix blend mode has been improved.

Numerous text improvements have been made – including new features such as bullets and numbering. This exciting feature allows any raster brush to have a list of other brushes attached which will draw at the same time. Each sub-brush has a fully separate and customisable set of dynamics.

You can control when the sub-brushes are drawn and how they blend with the main brush. Symmetry up to way is now supported – including on-canvas controls and optional mirroring. Wet edges and accumulation are now available on colour brushes and brushes with HSL variance. Brushes with multiple nozzle textures have always chosen the nozzle at random. All pixel brush tools now support left and right arrow keys for rotation – a common feature request.

Adjustments The HSL adjustment layer has been rewritten. It now supports custom hue ranges, a new algorithm, new UI and picker controls. The Levels adjustment layer now supports output levels – a common feature request. The White Balance adjustment layer has been rewritten. The Selective Colour adjustment layer has been rewritten. The Vibrance adjustment layer has been rewritten.

The Recolour adjustment layer has gained a lightness slider. Misc There is currently new free content available to claim in the Welcome Screen This thread is for commenting on this announcement.


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