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Just drop a focus region over your subject and choose a preset or easily craft your own look. Bokeh 2 is dramatically faster, has multiple focus regions, motion blur, and a more flexible vignette. Bokeh sports a super-fast user interface that gives you real-time feedback as you change any control. Bokeh takes advantage of multiple processors and multiple cores in order to run fast on modern computers.
This gives Bokeh access to more memory and a speed boost. Our method of tight Lightroom integration provides batch processing and does not require Photoshop to be installed.
See our Lightroom page for installation and usage advice. New: Creative Lens Optics Bokeh 2 provides many more lens simulation capabilities, including the simulation of motion-like optics found in specialized tilt-shift lenses. Bokeh 2 also simulates traditional fast lenses and also allows you to easily create artistic aperture shapes. Creative ApertureCreate realistic or fanciful shapes in the highlights of your photographs.
New: Multiple RegionsBokeh allows you combine multiple radial and planar shapes for more control over your focus region. New: Grain MatchingWhen Bokeh is applied to a grainy photo, the blurring process will remove the existing grain structure of the image. The grain matching features allow you to replace the missing grain.
New: Vignette EnhancementsIn addition to the darkening vignetting effect, Bokeh also provides a bleaching desaturation control to remove color in the vignette area. Carmen Loubriel. Jayasimha Carmona. Chris Kharlamov. Alien Skin Snap Art Crack [alien skin snap art 4.
Jeannie Taylor. Atha Madge. Here the Real Evidence of Aliens!! KFC Radio. Minecraft – Top 5 Skins: Aliens Season 2. Separate controls let you alter how much boosting is applied to highlights, as well as control how those boosted areas blend into the background. In fact, Bokeh may provide more control than you need, but its sliders are simple enough that moving beyond the presets is very easy.
Tricky Selections The tricky part about using Bokeh is making a selection to constrain the effects of the blurring. Just beware that your success with Bokeh may depend on your ability to make a good selection before launching the plug-in. For example, one of the most common applications for shallow depth of field is portraiture, and portraits usually make for some of the most difficult masking chores, because of the dreaded Wispy Hair Problem WHP.
In an image with a bad WHP, or other difficult masking troubles, Bokeh might be of limited use. Bokeh provides its own linear and radial gradient selectors that solve some masking problems. Figure 6. This activatesd the radial selection tool, which basically creates a radial gradient selection: an elliptical gradient with a smooth transition from the selected to unselected area. Bokeh automatically combined this radial gradient with the selection I made earlier in Photoshop.
That allowed me to create a reasonably smooth transition around her hair. You can control the size and position of the radial gradient, and you can drag the outer ellipse to control the size of the transition. Unfortunately, the radial selection tool can only be uniformly scaled. Figure 7. I solved the problem by duplicating my original layer Bokeh always places its results on a new layer , blurring it with the same settings, and then using a Layer Mask to patch the problem area.
Also, though the background looks very authentic, the overall effect is still not quite right. Because depth of field at 1. With more compositing and layering, it would be possible to achieve this effect, but it would be a lot of work.
As handy as the Radial selection tool is, there are still some effects that are very difficult to achieve in Bokeh. If your subject is off-axis to the camera, for example, creating a realistic shallow depth of field across their face is going to be almost impossible. More Selections Bokeh also includes a Liner selection tool that can be essential for getting realistic results.
For example, consider this image: Figure 8. I want to lessen the depth of field in this image. Figure 9. For the image to look real, the foreground should be unblurred and the Bokeh effect needs to gradually increase into the background.
Your original selection is subtracted from this mask and the blurring effect is then applied. Figure With the addition of a linear gradient, you can create a more realistic transition. With Bokeh, you can lower the depth of field in this landscape to achieve a fake toy effect. Our eyes automatically recognize shallow depth of field as an indicator of scale. Normally, you would never see a big landscape with depth of field like this, but if you were looking at a small model of Florence, it would appear very much like this.