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Simply click to enable the functionality you require. As you select and deselect functionality, text at the bottom of the page dynamically updates to reflect the space required for installation. Note that the figure given for the amount of downloaded data does not apply to the Offline Installer. Remember, no matter what decision you take at initial install, you can add or remove features and functionality at any stage after installation.
This puts you in the driving seat as it were, to fully customize your installation in-line with your, possibly ever-changing, design needs. This next page of the Installer allows you to specify the destination folders for the install, in terms of both the Program Files for the software and the Shared Documents that are accessed and used by the software.
Specify where the software and associated documents are to be installed. These locations become especially important when installing multiple instances of Altium Designer. If one or both of these destinations is not currently an empty folder i. To specify alternate locations, simply type the location directly into the applicable field, or click the folder icon at the right of a field and browse for the required destination folder.
The Installer now has all the information it requires to proceed with the installation. If you need to change anything, click the Back button. If you want to cancel out of the install, click Cancel. Ready to begin the install! The page will change from Ready to Install to Installing Altium Designer and the installation will proceed, with the required files first being prepared from the set of files contained within the unzipped Offline Installation package.
Progress of this preparation is displayed within the Installer itself. Installation commences by preparing the required set of install files. Once the preparation of files is complete, they will be installed, again with progress displayed in the Installer. After the file preparation is complete, the software is then installed. That’s it, installation is complete! An option is provided to launch Altium Designer when you exit the Installer, enabled by default.
Simply click Finish to exit the wizard. That’s it. You have installed Altium Designer on your computer, and initially tailored its functionality to suit your design needs. You can now import any preferences from an earlier build, and then license the software to work in an offline, standalone fashion. After installing and launching your new version of Altium Designer, the Import Settings dialog will appear, from where you are given the opportunity to import preferences from the most recent previous installation at startup.
Import settings from your previous version’s installation. Not only will the preferences be imported, but the user settings will be copied across too – ensuring the new version opens with the same look and feel created in the previous version, even down to the last opened workspace and panel positioning! If the option to import preferences on initial startup is not taken, don’t worry — preferences can be quickly imported, at any time, from within the Preferences dialog.
Simply click the button, at the bottom of the dialog. Download exe, 9 Mb. Download exe, 3. Download exe, 7. Latest version: 3. Download exe, 2 MB. Download exe, 2. PTC Creo Plugin. Download exe, 9. Download exe, 8. Download exe, 17 MB. AutoDesk Inventor Plugin. Download exe, 4. Autodesk Fusion Plugin. Siemens NX Plugin. View, print, and cross-probe single documents or entire projects in one comprehensive interface. Take finish control of your board format with capable steering innovation including intuitive directing modes and a canny auto steering collaborator.
Open your actual plan potential today with the most productive outline reuse apparatuses accessible in Altium Designer. Effortlessly spare, share, and reuse your most trusted outline resources from the past with pieces, oversaw schematic sheets, and part library formats.
From idea to finishing, your outline procedure is a progression of particular stages that necessities to stay reliable and associated. Stay in entire control of your plan travel with the capable discharge administration apparatuses in Altium Designer. You live to see where the eventual fate of gadgets configuration is going, and you have to remain at the bleeding edge of progress to stay aggressive.