Download unattend xml windows 10

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Where is unattend XML located? You can download a Windows 10 installation media from Microsoft or from a third-party source.


Download unattend xml windows 10


I have currently built an unattend. Unfortunately, without much success. Everything is deploying fine as far as the image is concerned.

However, I am missing the unpackaged drivers which I would presume would be installed automatically, but they are not because when the image is installed and I log onto Windows using my local admin account the drivers are missing from system manager.

I guess my questions are:. Do I have to add any other values in my unattend. Meanwhile we should specify the driver path of the. Below is the screenshot of an answer file and it is successfully deployed by MDT, I hope it will work for you:. What you need to do is to modify the Path, it should be the folder where you put the driver files at. We’re not sure of the drivers and the installers present, so one thing that can be noticed is that the installer file must be defined with the necessary options like silent to allow silent install.

If not, the package may be assumed to be installed. Additionally, I would suggest you to use ImageX to capture the Windows image, after installing all the OEM drivers and necessary software manually. Have a look at the link for reference:. I am including a screenshot with drivers which deploy successfully. However, there are other drivers and some Intel software which I would like to deploy but this keeps failing during an image deployment run with the above error.

I am loading the following software and drivers which can be found on Toshiba OEM site:. Additionally, I am confused about this whole. I followed the steps but my deployment failed with a invalid driver error again. Any help would be greatly appreciated. As shown in the screenshot, the driver path is not set properly, you should specify the driver information in the driver path, this may be the cause.

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Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Windows 7 Installation, Setup, and Deployment. Sign in to vote. Hello All, I have currently built an unattend.

I guess my questions are: Do I have to add any other values in my unattend. If there is any additional useful info please could you advise? Many thanks, Regards Slav. Wednesday, May 21, AM. The driver cannot be zipped, the. Below is the screenshot of an answer file and it is successfully deployed by MDT, I hope it will work for you: What you need to do is to modify the Path, it should be the folder where you put the driver files at.

Regards v-yamliu. Monday, May 26, AM. Monday, June 30, AM. Hi, As shown in the screenshot, the driver path is not set properly, you should specify the driver information in the driver path, this may be the cause.

Wednesday, July 2, AM.


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