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Microsoft Publisher – Wikipedia

Microsoft Office, or simply Office, is a family of client software, server software, and services developed by Microsoft. It was first announced by Bill. Microsoft Publisher – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia – Free download as PDF Microsoft Publisher running on Windows 8 Developer(s) Stable release. “Google Book SearchSettlement,” Wikipedia, June23, , replace.me Online Servicesand Intellectual Property,” Microsoft, replace.me
Microsoft Office – Wikipedia
Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application from Microsoftdiffering from Http://replace.me/6547.txt Word in that the emphasis is placed puglisher page layout and design rather than text composition and proofing.
Publisher is included in higher-end editions of Microsoft Officereflecting Microsoft’s microsott on the application as an easy-to-use and less expensive alternative to the “heavyweights” with a focus on the small-business market, where firms do not have dedicated design professionals available to make marketing materials and other documents.
While most Microsoft Office apps adopted ribbons for their user interface starting with Microsoft OfficePublisher retained its toolbars and did not adopt ribbons until Microsoft Office LibreOffice has supported Microsoft publisher 2013 wikipedia free proprietary publlisher format.
Publisher supports numerous other file formats, including the Enhanced Metafile EMF format, which is supported on Windows platforms. The Microsoft Publisher trial version can be used to view. Adobe PageMaker also saved files with a. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Desktop publishing software. Microsoft Publisher running on Windows Office Beta Channel The Verge. Retrieved October 5, Computor edge.
July 27, Archived from the original on September 2, Retrieved February 13, PC World Australia. Archived from the original on July 28, Archived from the original on April 12, Retrieved April 22, Archived from the original on May 18, Retrieved April 9, Archived from the original on March 16, Retrieved November 7, Retrieved March 9, Archived microsoft publisher 2013 wikipedia free the original on September 26, Retrieved October 23, Archived from the original on April 19, Retrieved December 30, Category Comparison List.
Microsoft Office. History Microsoft Discontinued shared tools Accounting Docs. Categories : Desktop publishing software Microsoft Office Products introduced in Hidden categories: CS1 maint: archived copy as title Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata Use mdy dates from August Namespaces Microsoft publisher 2013 wikipedia free Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file.
Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Microsoft Windows. Вот ссылка for Windows 95 beginning to microsoft publisher 2013 wikipedia free to bit.
File:Microsoft Office logo and replace.me – Wikipedia
On the site where you want to create the wiki page library, click Site Actions , and then click More Options. In the Name box, type a name for the library, such as Wiki Pages. Note: You can configure the settings for the wiki page library, such as permissions, page history, and incoming links, from the Page tab on the ribbon. Before you create an Enterprise wiki, you must determine whether it is the most appropriate solution for the organization and ensure that other services that it depends on are enabled at the Central Administration and site collection administration levels.
For more information about planning and creating an Enterprise wiki site, see Enterprise wiki planning SharePoint Server on TechNet. To enable publishing with correct permissions , see Enable publishing features in SharePoint On the site where you want to create an Enterprise wiki, click Site Actions , and then click New Site.
To set unique permission or the navigation inheritance for the site, click More Options. Note: You can configure the site permissions and other site settings for the Enterprise wiki site, from the Site Actions menu. Find links to more information about managing access to a wiki in the See Also section.
Note: If the page that you are linking to does not exist yet, a placeholder link with a dotted underline will appear on the page after you save the edited page. With the page in edit mode, click where you want to insert the picture, and then click the Insert tab on the ribbon. Click the Picture button, and then click From Computer. Click the arrow beneath the Picture button, and then click From Address. In the Alternative Text box, type alternative text to describe the picture. Alternative text appears as tooltip text when readers point to the picture.
Alternative text also helps people with screen readers understand the content of pictures. Often, people create wiki placeholder links to pages that do not exist yet. These placeholder links appear as links with a dotted underline. Wiki links are different from hyperlinks to pages or Web sites outside of the wiki. You might need to edit the display text if the name of the page you want to link to is not clear in the context of the page where you are inserting the link.
For example, if the page for brainstorming ideas about the first chapter of a book is named CH1, you might want “Chapter One” as the display text for the link, so that the purpose of the page is more clear. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, type the text to display and the Web address for the link. Later, you can choose whether or not the list or library appears on the Quick Launch for the wiki. If you are inserting an existing list or library, under Web Parts , select the name of the list or library, and then click the Add button.
If you are inserting a new list, in the Create List dialog box, select the type of list or library you want to create, and then type a name for your list or library in the List Title box. The name is required. Before creating a site, make sure that you are at the location on your site where you want to create a new subsite. Tip: In most cases, you can use the Site Actions menu instead to complete this step. In the Title and Description section, type a title for your wiki site. The title is required.
The title appears at the top of the Web page and appears in navigational elements that help users to find and open the site. Type a description of the purpose of your wiki in the Description box. The description is optional. The first part is provided for you. To avoid potential problems with updating or modifying the site, do not enter any of the following special characters as part of the Web address.
In the Template Selection section, click the Collaboration tab if it is not already selected, and then click the Wiki Site template. In the Permissions section, select whether you want to provide access to the same users who have access to this parent site or to a unique set of users. If you click Use Unique Permissions , you can set up permissions later after you finish entering information on the current page.
In the Navigation Inheritance section, specify whether you want the site to inherit its top link bar from the parent site or to have its own set of links on the top link bar. This setting also affects whether the new site appears as part of the breadcrumb navigation of the parent site.
When you navigate down the site hierarchy, breadcrumb navigation appears on the page to which you have navigated. If you click No , your subsite will not appear in the breadcrumb navigation for the parent site and the breadcrumb navigation for your new site will not include the parent site. If you specified that you want the subsite to have the same permission as its parent site, the new site is created when you click Create. If you specified unique permissions, the Set Up Groups for this Site page appears, where you can set up groups for the subsite.
If the Set Up Groups for this Site page appears, you need to specify whether you want to create new groups or use existing groups for visitors, members, and owners of this site. In each section, do one of the following:.
If you click Create a new group , either accept the automatically created name for the new SharePoint group, or type a new name, and then add the people whom you want. Click the check mark icon to verify any names that you type, or click the Address Book icon to browse through your directory for more names. In the Visitors to this Site section, you can also add all authenticated users to the Visitors group, which provides the group members with permission to read the content on your site, by default.
If you click Use an existing group , select the SharePoint group that you want from the list. If you have several SharePoint groups, the list may be abbreviated.
Click More to see the full list or Less to abbreviate the list. When you first create a wiki site, the home page contains sample content about wikis.
Use the buttons on the Formatting toolbar to format text, and add other content, such as images, tables, and hyperlinks. Note: If you are not using a browser that supports ActiveX Controls, you will not see the Formatting toolbar. Instead, you can enter text using HTML tags. Find more information about using enhanced text boxes in the See Also section. To add wiki links to other pages in your wiki, type the name of the page surrounded by double square brackets: [[Page Name]].
For example, to add a wiki link to a page named “Orientation Information,” type: [[Orientation Information]]. To add an image to a wiki, you need to first upload it to your site. You can upload an image to your site by using a picture library. Find links to more information about creating libraries and adding files to them in the See Also section. Right-click the picture, and then click Copy Shortcut to copy the Web address for the image.
Click where you want to insert the picture, and then on the formatting toolbar for the wiki page, click the Insert Image button. In the Address box, paste the Web address for the image that you copied earlier. For example, if your team will be creating a link later for Training Issues, you can go ahead and insert the link to the page now.
The link to a future page appears with a dotted line under it. To create the page later, someone can click the underlined placeholder link, add content, and then click Create. Type the name of the page, surrounded by double square brackets: [[Page Name]]. For example, to insert a link to a page called “Training Issues,” type [[Training Issues]].
The link will be created when you save the page. Tip: To quickly add a link from a wiki page back to the home page for your wiki, type [[Home]]. You can add other items to a wiki site, such as a tasks list to track action items or tasks related to the wiki.
You can choose whether or not the list or library appears on the Quick Launch for the wiki. Click the name of the list or library that you want to create, such as Tasks. In the Description box, type a description of the purpose of the list or library. To add a link to this list or library on the Quick Launch, verify that Yes is selected in the Navigation section. A wiki can help your organization collect and capture institutional knowledge, assemble content from numerous sources, and share plans and ideas.
For example, a corporation can create a company-wide Enterprise wiki where employees can find and contribute the latest, most comprehensive information about corporate activities, benefits, and services. Or your team can use a wiki to collect information for new team members, to plan a conference, or to collect ideas for a large document or manual. After someone creates a wiki page, another team member can add more content, edit the content, or add supporting links. The community of authors helps to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content.
Wikis continue to evolve as people add and revise information. Because team members can edit wiki pages without any special editing tools, wikis are a good tool for sharing ideas and collecting information from several people. Team members can easily create links to pages for someone to finish creating later, or links to existing pages, without having to struggle with long web addresses.
The default page type on team sites, and other types of sites, is a wiki page. So in that sense, wiki is everywhere. Because the home page of a team site and the new pages that you create there are automatically wiki pages, you can create a wiki right on your team site without creating other libraries or sites.
New pages are created in the Site Pages library on a team site and you can manage your pages from there. However, the disadvantage to this approach is that you will not have as many specialized options that come with a wiki page library or an Enterprise wiki site.
If you know you will be creating many wiki pages or if you want to manage permissions separately for your wiki than for the rest of your site, you have a couple of options, depending on the scale of the wiki you plan to create and the range of options you want:. Wiki page library A wiki page library is tailored to managing wiki pages and includes special commands on the ribbon for managing page history, permissions, and incoming links to pages.
A site owner can create a wiki page library on most sites and get many of the benefits of a traditional wiki. Enterprise wiki An Enterprise wiki is a publishing site for sharing and updating large volumes of information across an enterprise. If an organization needs a large, centralized knowledge repository that is designed to both store and share information on an enterprise-wide scale, consider using an Enterprise wiki.
To learn more information about how to plan and create an Enterprise wiki site, we recommend reading the articles about planning sites and site collections. You need to have permission to create a site, library, or pages. But the good news is, if a site has been shared with you and you have permission to edit it, you most likely have permission to create a wiki. Permission levels can be customized, but for most sites, you can create a wiki page library if you have the Edit permission level.
This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions. You cannot overwrite this file. The following 2 pages use this file: File:Microsoft Publisher logo. The following other wikis use this file: Usage on el.
Width Structured data Items portrayed in this file depicts. Namespaces File Discussion. Views View Edit History. Main page Welcome Community portal Village pump Help center. Scroll through the templates in the right pane to find the template you want to use. The Catalog window will disappear, and display your template in the main Publisher window.
Part 2. The wizard will guide you through the process of formatting your document. Follow the instructions provided by the Publisher wizard to create your document. The steps will vary for each document based on your publication type. The wizard will be minimized, and you can now begin adding text and pictures to your document. Click on the section of the document to which you want content added.
Your document will feature multiple frames, into which text or pictures can be added. In most cases, Publisher places example text and photos in each template to provide you with a general idea of how to write and format your document. For example, if creating an envelope, Publisher inserts dummy addresses in the appropriate text frames on the document so you can replace the text with your own information. Type content or insert images into each frame in the document as desired.
You can also insert additional frames into the document as needed. Part 3. Position your cursor where you want the top left corner of the frame to begin.
Drag your cursor diagonally down and to the right until the frame is in the size desired. Part 4. Position your cursor where you want the image added to your document. Click on the folder in the left pane that contains the image you want added to your document.
Part 5. Click on the picture in your document you want cropped. The outline of a box will appear around the image. Position the cropping handle over the edge or corner of your picture as desired. Drag the cropping handle over the portion of picture you want cropped, or removed. Hold down CTRL when dragging a center handle to crop both sides evenly.
Part 6. Specify the location to which you want your document saved. Otherwise, Publisher will save your file to the default working folder.
Part 7. We’re glad this was helpful. Thank you for your feedback. Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more.