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Don’t miss out on getting a free trial license of midas. Higher Standard of Bridge Design. Also, there are several easy parameter modification tools available that can be used for parametric analysis leading to optimized and economical design. User-Friendly GUI. They offer excellent facilities and productivity for the modeling and analysis of different types of bridge structures. Intuitive Modeling. Powerful automatic modeling functions such as Auto Mesh Generation and various Bridge Wizards are introduced.
The Bridge Wizards can create a complete bridge model for you in a blink of an eye and you are able to make any modification to the model to match withthe real structure as much as possible. Other modeling approaches such as CAD import, table format modeling, and code format modeling are also available.
Complete Analysis Options. Powerful Post Processor. The post-processor can automatically create load combinations in accordance with specified design standards. Changing the type of display can produce various forms of graphic output. Practically all the results can be animated, namely, mode shapes, time history results of displacements and member forces, dynamic analysis results, and static analysis results.
Auto Design and Load Rating. The codes are constantly updated to make sure the users can best take advantage of the code checking and rating features in the program. The automatic report generation features give the users an organized and detailed report that includes formulas and code references and it gives the users the confidence in their result.
Featured Users Projects. Stonecutters Bridge. The concept is for a cable-stayed bridge with a twin aerodynamic deck suspended from two m-high single pole towers. These towers will have bases measuring 24m x 18m tapering to 7m diameter at the top, and the deck will allow a navigation clearance of Weirton-Steubenville Bridge.
The Weirton-Steubenville Bridge is an asymmetrical cable-stayed bridge with a single tower. The 52 cables created a dual-plane system. The concrete deck is treated as a composite system. The tower is reinforced concrete with an inverted Y-shape. In addition to the 3D analysis, a detailed analysis for the ancor black has been performed. Michael Baker, Jr. Ironton-Russell Bridge. The Ironton-Russell Bridge is a single tower cable-stayed girder bridge.
Girders are I-shaped steel plate girders. The girders are of a composite system with the concrete deck. The cable system is a dual-plane system consisting of 70 cables and the tower is made up of reinforced concrete. Featured Blogs. How to Perform Time-dependent Analysis? Mainly there are two ways to perform the time-dependent analysis. One is the time-step analysis and the other is the age-adjusted method.
The age-adjusted method is a simplified one and can consider the long-term effects with only a one-step analysis. Of course, this is an approximate way to consider. Influence line analysis is essential for bridge design. Currently, iterative analysis is commonly used since this method is rather simple to implement with the displacement methods. Both methods give the same results and we can use either of these methods.
In their recent Midas lends a much convenient approach towards design and analysis of structures. The user-friendly interface saves ample time. The features i like most are 1. Very good GUI, easy to work 2. You can change stiffness factors of an element for certain load cases.
Can convert critical moving load case in to static load case for a element. The ability of the software to take the reinforcement as per the drawing and to check the Structural adequacy easily. Proof checking becomes much easy now with this software. Product Brochure. Software Introduction. Project Application. It’s the time to try midas Civil for free. Resource Library. Expert Network. Expert Engineers. Technical Support. About us. Contact us. Intuitive Modeling midas Civil enables us to readily create nodes and elements as if we were drawing drawings using the major functions of CAD programs.
Complete Analysis Options midas Civil provides linear and nonlinear structural analysis capabilities and is capable of handling different types of analysis. Powerful Post Processor The post-processor can automatically create load combinations in accordance with specified design standards.
Auto Design and Load Rating midas Civil has powerful design code checking and load rating features. Stonecutters Bridge The concept is for a cable-stayed bridge with a twin aerodynamic deck suspended from two m-high single pole towers.
Weirton-Steubenville Bridge The Weirton-Steubenville Bridge is an asymmetrical cable-stayed bridge with a single tower. Company Michael Baker, Jr. Read More. Influence Line Analysis for Continuous Girders Influence line analysis is essential for bridge design. Can convert critical moving load case in to static load case for a element Read More. Proof checking becomes much easy now with this software Read More. About us Clients Career Contact us. Steel Bridges. Arch Bridges. Precast Concrete Bridges.
Integral Bridges. Other Structures. Cable-Stayed Bridges. Balanced Cantilever Bridges. Suspension Bridges. Moving Load Analysis. Construction Stage Analysis. Dynamic Analysis.
Nonlinear Analysis. Rail-Structure Interaction. Soil-Structure Interaction.
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Learn Blog Seminars and Webinars Tutorials. Please read this User s Manual carefully to familiarize yourself with safe and effective usage. Go to the [Tools]tab and click [Options] 2. In the process of the sign-up for membership or the use of the service, the Company is collecting the minimum amount of personal information required to provide the service through a separate application or program as follows: Processing Personal Information [To sign up for membership and use the service] Required: email, ID, password, name, mobile number, country, company name, position, service use history [To verify one’s identity] Name, email, mobile number, encrypted user verification value CI , duplicate information DI [To send inquiries and use Customer Center] Required: name, company name, country, mobile number, company email, department, position, contents of inquiries b. Influence Line Analysis for Continuous Girders Influence line analysis is essential for bridge design. Stonecutters Bridge. Hello, I can not find the installation video says the video is private, when I copy the link Youtube says Video is not available.