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VMware Workstation 12 Player is a streamlined desktop virtualization application that runs one or more operating systems on the same computer without rebooting. Archived from the original on 11 October Retrieved 3 December Retrieved 2 June Virtualization software. Comparison of platform virtualization software. Docker lmctfy rkt. Rump kernel User-mode Linux vkernel.
BrandZ cgroups chroot namespaces seccomp. See also: List of emulators , List of computer system emulators. Categories : VMware Virtualization software Windows software Proprietary cross-platform software software.
Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Windows Linux. Replay Debugging improved Record Replay [28]. Replay Debugging removed [31].
USB 3. New operating system support Windows 8. The compatibility and performance of USB audio and video devices with virtual machines has been improved. Easy installation option supports Windows 8. Resolved an issue causing burning CDs with Blu-ray drives to fail while connected to the virtual machine. Resolved an issue that caused using Microsoft Word and Excel in unity mode causes a beep. Resolved an issue causing host application windows to be blanked out in the UAC dialog on the Linux host of the Windows 8 virtual machine.
Resolved an issue that prevented the Sound Card from being automatically added to the VM when powering on the virtual machine on a Linux host. Resolved an issue that could cause a Windows 8. Resolved a hotkey conflict in the Preference dialog of the KVM mode. Resolved a compatibility issue of GL renderer with some new Nvidia drivers. Resolved graphics errors with for Solidworks applications.
Resolved an issue causing virtual machines imported from a physical PC to crash on startup. Resolved an issue about shared folder when the user read and write file using two threads. Resolved an issue that caused Linux virtual machines to see stale file contents when using shared folders. Resolved the virtual machine performance issues when using the Ee adapter.
Resolved an issue preventing Workstation from starting on Ubuntu VMware Workstation Fixes memory issue in Workstation on Microsoft Windows 8.
Bug fixes At power-on, a virtual machine hangs and a. The VideoReDo application does not display the video properly and parts of the application’s screen are scrambled. Copying and pasting a large file from host to guest may fail. Memory leak in the HGFS server for shared folders causes VMware Tools to crash randomly with the error: Exception 0xc access violation has occurred. On RHEL 6. With gcc, kernel-headers, kernel-devel installed, vmmon module will be recompiled automatically.
Memory leak by the process vmtoolsd. When USB devices are autoconnected with a hub to a Renesas host controller, the devices are not redirected to the guest. WS 11 license is accepted by WS Fixed a problem when uploading a virtual machine with Workstation New operating system support Windows 10 Ubuntu Outlook would occasionally crash when running in Unity mode. You could not compact or defragment a persistent disk. The UI sometimes crashed when a user copied and pasted a file between two Windows guests.
Rendering corruption in UI elements in Fedora 20 guests with 3D enabled. Security Issues VMware Workstation Bug Fixes Two interface items on the Access Control screen used the same hot-key combination. Attempting to suspend a Windows virtual machine with the Sensor Diagnostic Tool running caused the virtual machine to become unresponsive.
Using audio conferencing software on a Windows 8 guest operating system caused a severe echo during both video and audio calls. On the Windows 95 guest operating system, the mouse cursor jumped. Symbolic links created within a Windows guest operating system on a Linux host did not list files under subdirectories.
Workstation could not automatically detect the Fedora 21 ISO when creating a new Fedora 21 virtual machine. Under specific conditions, when the alipaybsm. After connecting to vCloud Air from Workstation, no virtual machines were listed in the Workstation virtual machine library.
Using Easy Install for the Ubuntu Reverting to a snapshot failed following a specific set of steps. A Windows 10 guest operating system running idly caused Workstation to crash. Using the Easy Install option to install the Ubuntu The announced [52] release date of 8 September [53] was missed due to a nasty bug Compatible with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition.
This release of VMware Workstation 12 Pro addresses an out-of-bounds memory access vulnerability related to the drag-and-drop feature. This may allow a guest to execute code on the operating system that runs VMware Workstation 12 Pro. Bug fixes, security updates, and performance improvements. Workstation Pro fails to launch on a Linux platform that uses kernel 4. This release addresses an out-of-bounds memory access vulnerability related to the drag-and-drop feature.
This vulnerability might allow a guest to execute code on the operating system that runs VMware Workstation 12 Pro. These issues might allow a guest virtual machine to execute code on the host. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project cve. This issue might allow a guest virtual machine to execute code on the host. VMware Workstation Pro has uninitialized memory usage. This issue might lead to an information leak. This release includes the following highlights: Day 0 support of the Windows 10 Creators Update version Bug fixes and security updates.
This update of VMware Workstation Pro exposes hardware support for branch target injection mitigation to VMware guests. This hardware is used by some guest operating systems to mitigate CVE – also called by the name “Spectre”.
VMware Workstation Pro has an uninitialized stack memory usage vulnerability in the vmxnet3 virtual network adapter that might allow a guest to execute code on the host. VMware Workstation Pro contains an integer overflow vulnerability in the virtual network devices which may allow a guest to execute code on the host. This release of VMware Workstation Pro addresses the following issues: Workstation does not handle paths appropriately.
This may allow the path to the VMX executable, on a Windows host, to be hijacked by a non-administrator leading to elevation of privilege. COM classes are not handled appropriately. こちらのページ からインストーラをダウンロード. 現時点で ESXi 7. VMware Workstation Player 16 台であれば ESXi 7.
参考ページ: 【システムトラスト技術ブログ】VMware Workstation Player 15のインストール. 以下のウィザードが起動します。 [ インストーラ ディスク イメージ ファイル ] にて、あらかじめダウンロードしておいた ESXi の iso ファイルを指定します。. 以下画面では、ディスク最大サイズを指定します。今後 ESXi 上に作成する仮想マシンの容量も考慮して決定します。例では GB としました。また [ 仮想ディスクを複数のファイルに分割 ] を選択します。. ホストOS の Windows マシンにて、ブラウザから上画像に記載されているアドレスにアクセスします。すると以下のログイン画面となります。ユーザ名を root とし、インストール中に指定したパスワードを入力してログインします。. ESXi をインストールし直すと再度 60 日間はフルスペックで使用できるため、無償ライセンスを使用せずに ESXi をインストールし直すというのも一つの手です。.
以下画面となるため、 ESXi ダウンロードページ のライセンス情報欄で確認したライセンスキーを入力し、[ ライセンスの確認 ] をクリックします。. 目次 VMware 製品について VMware Workstation VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 構築する構成 イメージ 環境 資材ダウンロード VMware Workstation Player VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 構築 VMware Workstation Player のインストール ESXi のインストール 仮想マシンの作成 無償ライセンスの登録 参考ページ.
Download VMware Workstation Player VMware. Download VMware Workstation Player for free today to run a single virtual machine on a Windows or Linux PC, and experience the multi-functional capabilities.
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VMware Workstation に関するエンド ユーザー使用許諾契約書 (EULA) では、同一のライセンス キーで複数の Workstation をインストールすることが許可 この記事には、VMware Workstation Player x の販売、ライセンス、および互換性についてのよくある質問に対する回答が記載されています。 Resolution