Windows 10 Black Screen with Cursor [SOLVED] – Driver Easy

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I updated from Windows 7 a few day ago and Windows 10 worked fine. On Tuesday night I updated the driver for the NVIDIA graphics card. › en-us › geforce › forums › discover › monitor-display-.


Windows 10 black screen after sleep nvidia free download


If you happen to lose data from the PC after any such ordeal and wish to recover it back, then we have the solution to solve that issue as well.

Nothing could get more irritating for the Windows PC user then the time when their device would refuse to start and show a black screen after ending the sleep mode. This could occur due to any number of the following reasons. Despite the reasons above, you could easily fix the black screen issue and go back to enabling the sleep mode on the PC without any question. In this part of the article, we will discuss four critical solutions to fix the computer showing black screen after sleep issue in Windows Here are the notable fixes:.

Sometimes a new update could cause the built-in functions or utilities of the PC to malfunction. Here are the steps to disable the fast startup, hibernation, and hybrid mode:. As stated before, some built-in utilities of the Windows OS could play a silent role in causing the black screen to occur after sleep mode. App Readiness Service is one of them, which gets the apps on the PC ready for usage when a user signs in to the computer upon startup.

It could cause a number of issues, including the sluggish boot time of the system and users seeing a black screen instead of the conventional desktop display. It is best to disable the feature if such issues ever occur, and here are the steps to perform the process:.

If none of those techniques, as mentioned earlier, work, then it is time to bring out the big gun, which is changing or editing the data values in “Registry Editor” String.

Performing this issue will fix the black screen on the Windows 10 PC for sure, and here are instructions to complete the procedure:. Updating the BIOS of the computer should always be considered as the last resort to fix the black screen problem on the Windows 10 PC when you try to use it after sleep mode. However, if nothing else fixes the problem, then this solution certainly will.

Make sure to arrange for permanent sources of battery charging when updating the BIOS. Otherwise, some sudden power outages would obliterate the motherboard of the PC. Here are the steps to perform BIOS update:.

By the way, to know more details about black screen crash, check this article. It doesn’t matter if your PC is working or if it is crashed with a black screen, you can recover your data from any situation with Recoverit Data Recovery software. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. I have a i7 with a Nvidia GeForce graphics card, 16gb ram.

I was having continual problems after Geforce updates, so did a reinstall. I reinstalled the drivers from Nvidia and then shutdown my pc. Reconnected to HDMI and booted up.

Everything worked : Then my pc went into sleep mode and wouldnt come out : I had to hold down the power button until it shutdown and when it came back on my monitor was blank, but my keyboard was still lighting when pressing Caps Lock, so I took the HDMI out of Nvidia card connection and put it back into Intel HDMI connection.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. I would do a manual update of that version If it continues to have problems Please type the following in an elevated command prompt and paste the results in your next post.

How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In this step, we will disable our native graphics driver temporarily just to check for the existence of the problem. When you put your pc on sleep mode then it saves all the data of running programs on the RAM, so when you wake up your pc, due to quick booting of RAM it can clear all the data stored in it. It can result in unexpected of your pc.

You can use Hibernate mode at its place because hibernate mode uses the hard disc to store the program files. To change this mode, do the following steps:. Click on choose what closing the lid done. Click on apply to save the changes. Now, you pc will never go to sleep when you press your power button and your screen will woke up every time you power up your pc.

You can finally use command prompt if you are still getting the issue. It will disable the sleep mode on you You can turn it on and off any time just changing the last input word off to on.

This is a power management system in our pc which is used to shut down non-usable programs. But sometimes it closes the things which are needful for us. It can result in unawakening of your screen after sleep. To turn it off, do the below steps. You also want to check if your UPS is functioning properly, as improper power supply can also lead to issues like blank screen after wake up. Your email address will not be published. All Rights Reserved.

Skip to content. Go to Display Adapters and click on it. You will see your display driver there Nvidia graphics , Right click on it and click on Update Driver.


Fix Blank Screen After Wake Up From Sleep on Windows 10 in 5 Min.Windows 10 black screen after updating NVIDIA driver – Microsoft Community


Sorry for long thread, Ive been having this problem 3 times in 4 months and today and yesterday its been 10 hours in total, Im not PC savvy at all, so apologies if Im missing anything relevant.

The last time this happened I had just paused my Netflix stream, for about 20 minutes. When I came back my PC was in sleep mode as normal and I pressed space bar but nothing happened, tried the half moon too but nothing would happen.

In the end I pressed and held the pc power button to restart the pc. From then on it wouldnt boot, continually crashing pre desktop screen, or immediately after it got there. Occassionally I got a message on a blue screen that said something like “it looks like windows has failed to start properly” but “start up Repair” never found anything and when I continued through to my desktop page, it would crash within minutes.

After 7 hours of trying to uninstall and reinstall Nvidia drivers, with constant crashes and reboots, I decided to just do a system reset. Instead it showed my intel chips HD. I had to hold down the power button until it shutdown and when it came back on my monitor was blank, but my keyboard was still lighting when pressing Caps Lock, so I took the HDMI out of Nvidia card connection and put it back into Intel HDMI connection.

Sure enough monitor showed desktop homepage and Device manager, Display Adapters is showing my Intel HD and not my Nvidia card grrrrrrrrr. This must have something to do with sleep mode and my Graphics card, for personal reasons just switching off Sleep Mode isnt really an option, so is there another solution to this?

Im just about to shutdown and then reconnect to HDMI in Nvidia card then reboot, hoping it will come back to life again, but as soon as Sleep kicks in Im assuming Im going to have the same issue? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site.

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Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. There is a known problem with I would do a manual update of that version. Please type the following in an elevated command prompt and paste the results in your next post. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit.

Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member.

I have a i7 with a Nvidia GeForce graphics card, 16gb ram. I was having continual problems after Geforce updates, so did a reinstall. I reinstalled the drivers from Nvidia and then shutdown my pc.

Reconnected to HDMI and booted up. Everything worked : Then my pc went into sleep mode and wouldnt come out : I had to hold down the power button until it shutdown and when it came back on my monitor was blank, but my keyboard was still lighting when pressing Caps Lock, so I took the HDMI out of Nvidia card connection and put it back into Intel HDMI connection.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. I would do a manual update of that version If it continues to have problems Please type the following in an elevated command prompt and paste the results in your next post. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.

This site in other languages x.

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